- Number of energy efficiency jobs in Ohio: over 80,000
- Number of energy efficiency businesses in Ohio: over 10,000
- Number of solar jobs in Ohio: over 7,100
- Number of homes that could be powered by solar production in Ohio: over 24,000
- Number of solar businesses in Ohio: 289
- Number of Ohioans working in clean energy transmission, distribution and storage: over 42,000
- Number of jobs directly supported by wind energy in Ohio: nearly 2,000
- Number of wind turbines in Ohio: 338
- Number of megawatts of wind capacity installed in Ohio: 738
- Number of homes that could have been powered by Ohio wind power generation in 2019: over 180,000
- Number of gallons of water consumption saved by Ohio wind power generation in 2019: 1.9 billion
- Number of metric tons of CO2 emissions saved by Ohio wind power generation in 2019: 3.4 million
- Number of active wind manufacturing facilities in Ohio: 61